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the live program.

Being the best at what you do

is very different than being known

(and recognised) for what you do.

You know you are a talented professional and can make a bigger impact.

Be known for your work beyond your job title.

Does this sound familiar:

You have all the credentials (likely more than most of your peers), years of experience and you are the one who gets the results and still - it seems like you're not where you want to be in your career.

here is why:

What got you here, won't get you there.

Being the best doesn't mean you are recognised for it.

Good news: There is a solution.

Even better news: It's only 1 step away!

Welcome to the

Trusted Authority

The Trusted Authority Program is designed to support those who want to leverage their expertise and turn it into an impactful message that creates movement.

The Trusted Authority Program is designed to help you become the trusted Go-To in your field so you can cut through the noise and stand out - without being loud.

You'll learn how you can stand out with your message that matters and the impact it makes on your decision makers.

What Will You Learn in the Program?

This isn't just a course, it's an intensive program where you'll work away with practical strategies, tactics and tools to learn ...

  • How to leverage your competitive advantage to position you as a Trusted Authority Brand
  • Powerful ways to amplify your positioning through impactful communication
  • Tried and tested strategies to magnify your positioning though meaningful partnerships
  • Effective communications hacks that elevate your authority easily and instantly
  • A step-by-step method on how to make your online profiles do the heavy lifting for you
  • The type of network you need to build and foster to take your career and impact to the next level
  • Develop your own Intellectual Property (IP) you can monetize and leverage as an employee or entrepreneur

How is this program structured?

The Trusted Authority is an in-depth online program that gives you the complete roadmap to go from best kept secret to in demand authority.

Over 10-weeks, you get access to a weekly module with highly practical exercises to help you make the transition.

You can access and study the content in your own time and submit your homework to get tailored feedback.

If you want to maximise your results, upgrade to join the live, weekly coaching calls including Q&A sessions to put theory into practice and get feedback on your work.

Every call will be recorded and can be accessed in the online portal (together with all other course materials).

For those who want to experience high touch support, you have the option to work One on One with Petra Zink over the 10-week program.

The 10-weeks are broken into 3 main parts (content delivery + coaching calls (incl homework) + onboarding & closing ceremony):

Week 1: Opening Ceremony: The Trusted Authority Formula + Define your own Trusted Authority status + Meet the Cohort

Week 2 + 3 + 4: Coaching Calls for Module 1 (Authority Positioning = CAPABILITY)

Week 5 + 6 + 7: Coaching Calls for Module 2 (Authority Proposition = CREDIBILITY)

Week 8 + 9 + 10: Coaching Calls for Module 3 (Authority Presence = VISIBILITY)

Week 12: Coaching call + Open Q&A + Closing Ceremony: Presentation of Trusted Authority Strategy + next steps


How much time does the program take?

The course material is split into 3 modules all up, 3 parts for each module and released every week and into bite-sized chunks.

You can go through the content and work on your assignments in your own time.

On top, it is recommended for you to join the live coaching calls to put theory into practice, ask any questions, address challenges, get feedback and, of course, network with other like-minded people.

Plan to spend 2-3 hours per week over a 10 week period as some modules are more intense than others.

It also depends on how much pre-work you have done and how many assets you have developed so far..

The program is like any other training - you get out what you put in and to get the results you deserve, I want to be realistic about the time you need to invest.

Ideally, it is the start of a new routine for you as you never stop working on being the Trusted Authority in your field.

How do program participants interact?

We have weekly live calls and alternate the time to accommodate different time zones.

Additionally you will have access to an online community platform where you can network 24/7.

You can also ask questions to get feedback - from myself and a range of other highly talented professionals.


This program is a one-stop-shop for you to clarify, communicate and commercialise

your Authority Brand and become the Trusted Authority in your field!

When you enroll, you get access to not 1, not 2 but 3 additional online hubs to

maximize your results!

The Trusted Authority program is perfect for those who aren't clear about how to describe their business or if you hate describing your business, but also if you're not sure who your target market is. The program gives you the answers, no matter the stage in your career/business you're in

Kate Crawshaw

Chief Experience Officer, Serious Woo

If you're either looking for advancement to get up to the upper levels or you don't want to be in corporate work anymore and want to do something else where you can contribute more or use your brain more, the Trusted Authority program is your answer.

Mal Sheil

TechnologyTransformation Project Manager

I love bullet points and everything step-by-step and this is exactly what the Trusted Authority program gives you. It doesn't only make the process of building a Personal Brand less daunting, but also a lot more transparent, achievable and you can repeat the process when you need to.

Eva Minio

Brand Strategist & Visual Communications Designer

When you join the

Trusted Authority

program ...

... you not only get the most state of the art content, access to a driven community, but also tailored feedback for your submitted homework.

How Do I Know if Trusted Authority is Right for Me?

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Trusted Authority course:

I don't consider myself an authority yet. Is this course for me?

You've come to the right place as the program walks you through step-by-step what it takes to become an authority. It is a process and doesn't happen overnight. What is required, however, is a level of expertise, proven knowledge and experience in the field you want to be known for. If you struggle to call yourself 'expert' - that's ok! Most of us do! One of the sections covers how to deal with imposter syndrome that keeps us play small because, truth told: new levels, new devils. It is a phenomenon that doesn't go away once you reach a certain level. It will always show up in the second you attempt to reach new heights and goals you haven't experienced before.

What if I miss the live coaching calls?

No problem! I know sometimes life gets in the way (and that's ok!). Every call is recorded and made available within 2h or the call, including time stamps for questions asked so you can go straight to the parts that are most relevant for you.

What if I just start out in my career? Is the program for me?

Becoming an authority starts with being an expert and that requires a certain level of experience, expertise backed with tangible results. You don't have to ave a PhD, won the Nobel Prize or a unique approach to your area of expertise. If you just start out however, it would be more beneficial to gain more experience first and make sure you focus on an area that you can sustain long time. It is not a quick fix approach.

I'm an employee - is this program suitable?

Absolutely! As much as it is key to be seen as the trusted Go-To in your field when you run your own business, in this highly competitive world of work with fewer hierarchies, it is becoming critical to stand out for the right reasons. This program is designed with the busy professional in mind. All strategies and tactics are transferable and can be applied for either situations. The future of work is all about being able to find, design and deliver your own assignments, so the earlier you start with building your profile and presence, the quicker you get results.

Can the program be purchased by my company as an employee development plan?

Sure can! You will need to add the details of your company and the invoice will be issued accordingly. PS- if your company recognises your potential and invests in you - you are onto a winner!

How long will I have access to the material?

You will have access to the online course material (incl updates and additonal resources) as well as the online community for 12 months. This way, you have enough time to apply the learnings but can't procrastinate forever. This program is designed to give you real results but we can only make them happen when you do your part. If for whatever reason, you can't complete the program within 12 months, you can request an extension.

Who is this program not right for?

The program won't be a good fit if:

You are just starting out ...

Becoming an Authority is built on existing knowledge, experience, expertise and of course results. If you are just starting out in your career, you will be better off exploring and experiencing more before investing in this program.

You are after a quick fix to become a celebrity ...

There is a big difference between being famous and being trusted. If you are looking to become a celebrity, you only need a lot of exposure and an interesting angle. A Trusted Authority is built on profound and impactful insights that you want to be known for. It goes beyond visibility. It is about recognition by the right people and for a reason beyond your job title and popularity.

You expect a done-for-you service ...

Be(com)ing a Trusted Authority requires your own input, feedback, adjustment and your own buy in. No one knows more about your area of expertise and the topic you want to be recognized than you do. This program will give you the framework to make you and your insights visible to the right people, in the right format, so you get the career and business opportunities you have been working so hard for.

What Does the Program Cost, and Is There a Payment Plan?

The Trusted Authority program starts at AU$990 for you to go through the content and modules in your own time.

Alternatively, you can upgrade to be part of the weekly group coaching calls ($1,990) or opt in for the extra support and also add personalised One on One Coaching (AU$2,990).

Each option also has a payment plan which is slightly higher to incentivise you to go all in, right from the start.

How to register

If you are still on the fence whether this program is the right fit for you, please schedule a call.

The nature of the program doesn't allow a refund because the best strategies won't work if you don't apply them.

If you aren't sure of the thoughts of the investment make you nautious - please don't join!

Feel free to schedule a call using the button below.

If you are all ready to go and would like to be part of the next cohort, please sign up for the program and get excited to kick some big goals!

I'm looking forward to working with you and seeing you becoming the Trusted Authority in your field!

Pricing Plans


Trusted Authority Blueprint

  • Lifetime access to The Trusted Authority Blueprint (core Program content)
  • Private audio feed of The Trusted Authority Blueprint (listen via podcast player)
  • Tried and tested copy & paste templates, systems and checklists​


2x Monthly Payment


One Off Payment

Most Popular

Trusted Authority Blueprint + Group Coaching Calls

  • 2x 30min 1:1 Coaching
  • Lifetime access to The Trusted Authority Blueprint (core Program content)
  • Private audio feed of The Trusted Authority Blueprint (listen via podcast player)
  • Tried and tested copy & paste templates, systems and checklists​
  • 3 months of support from Petra (feedback & personalised critique via Loom video or voice recording)
  • 3 months access to the monthly live Q&A office hours


3x Monthly Payment


One Off Payment


Trusted Authority Blueprint + Group Coaching Calls + One on One Coaching

  • 5x 30min 1:1 Coaching
  • Lifetime access to The Trusted Authority Blueprint (core Program content)
  • Private audio feed of The Trusted Authority Blueprint (listen via podcast player)
  • Tried and tested copy & paste templates, systems and checklists​
  • 3 months of support from Petra (feedback & personalised critique via Loom video or voice recording)
  • 3 months access to the monthly live Q&A office hours
  • Tailored LinkedIn audit + personalised recommendations


2x Monthly Payment


One Off Payment


You can start learning for less than a cup of coffee a day ... so what's stopping you?

Course Curriculum



+ What it takes to become a Trusted Authority

+ The Trusted Authority Formula: Self-Assessment to realize gaps to work on

+ Difference between Expert and Authority (and why it matters)

+ Walk-through of portal, process and connect with your peers

+ Additional resources

Module 1: CAPABILITY (Authority Position)


+ Get crystal clear on your competitive advantage and high performance zone (your brand promise)


+ Define your in demand value proposition

+ Market research to confirm validity and demand for your value proposition

+ How to find and target your decision maker

+ Leverage trends to get greater momentum for your value proposition


+ Turn your value proposition into an in-demand authority position

+ Define your unique differentiator no one else can compete with



+ Package your IP into a unique signature framework/ method/ process/ system

+ Develop a visual representation of your intellectual property


+ Develop your authority content strategy

+ Identify ways to contribute your insights in an impactful way in relevant publications


+ Establish strategic partnerships and collaboration to boost your credibility

+ Build a high networth network (also as introvert)

+ Elevate your credibility through Brand building by association (the right way)



+ Define your visual and verbal identity (personalised Brand Style Guide)

+ Audit and revamp your current presence


+ Select and optimise the right online channels and platforms for you and your authority position

+ Build your own platforms and create an impactful digital footprint

+ Enhance your Executive Presence online & offline

+ Bonus: Access to LInkedIn Academy to optimise your profile


+ Accelerate your exposure through relevant publicity (public speaking + publications)


The program wraps up 2 weeks after completing the content (week 12), where you will present your comprehensive and tailored roadmap for your next 90 days to get feedback and address potential roadblocks to ensure you stay on track with your goals and know exactly where you need to keep focusing and working on.

You will have the opportunity to share with the group to not only keep you accountable but also to identify potential synergies.


After completing the program, you will be able to join monthly live coaching calls / office hours for another 12 months.


The Trusted Authority program doesn't only give you the best practise strategies and tactics to become the Go-To in your field but also connects you to like-minded talented professionals to collaborate, run by ideas, get feedback and share wins and challenges along the way. It is an exlsuive and closed 24/7 online community.

Hi there, I am Petra Zink

Helping you to build and monetise your Personal Brand

I'm a certified Personal Brand & Digital Strategist, Career Coach and Content Creator. My mission is to help you get seen, get heard, and get paid.

And it all starts with ... knowing, owning and communicating your value and to attract the right people and the right opportunities to you.

For more than 10 years, I helped grow brands like Unilever, Subway, Campari and more

And, for the past 5+ years, I've helped my Personal Branding clients

✔️ Fast track their career progression

✔️ Develop and monetise their intellectual property by creating their signature framework & offer

✔️ Increase their salaries and consulting fees

✔️ Become Board directors

✔️ Launch a podcast and/or be an in demand guest speaker on worldwide (virtual and in person) stages

In 2020 alone, my coaching program changed 100+ careers across 3 continents, got me on the Forbes Coaches Council and generated a lot of publicity and business growth.

Before that, I was the hard worker, the one people could rely on to get things done, the person behind the big Brands. Not the Brand people turn to for promotions, credit or recognition.

I now get approached by companies to work with them, consult to ASX 500s, coach leaders and speak on global stages.

And, I can't wait to show you how to do the same thing!

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